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Red Koi guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is one of the most striking fish in freshwater hobby.Parents of this strain were originally imported from Indonesia ,Vietnam & Thailand & mixed to avoid inbreeding 

Normally Ear of this strain colour-up once they touch adulthood or they are 4months old.


Red Ear Koi guppy is considered as Lucky Guppy


Salt 1tbps per 20liter 

Temperature between 26 and 28 °C

PH 6.0 - 8.5

Diet Omnivorous   

Recomended food  - Brine shrimp , Flakes ,Pellets,Daphnia ,bloodworm,Egg yolk,Algae pellets etc


Red Koi Red Ear Guppy (Pair)

SKU: 0009
$80.00 Regular Price
$72.00Sale Price
Excpected to Ship 15th April
  • Sex: Male and female
    Age :8-10 weeks
    Size: approximately 2.5 -3 cm

  • Live fish shipping will cost $30 per shipment. Free shipping above $150 of purchase. 

    In the unfortunate event of a DOA, please send us a photo of an unopened bag. A refund will be given for the fish, however, delivery costs are not refundable.

    Please make arrangements to receive the package to ensure the fish are not stress any longer than necessary. Deaths resulting from leaving a package unattended for an extended period of time will not be refundable.


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